Mr Edwards
Meet our PLT – here to help and represent the pupil voice. Ready to make a difference!

What is the pupil leadership team?
It is a group of children who meet each week to discuss issues within the school. There are two representatives from each class from Year 2 to 6. The pupil leadership team at Llanidloes Primary School is an important part of the school. Current issues that affect pupils and the running of the school are explored and discussed with a member of staff. Our members also attend events to represent the school and explore issues such as healthy eating, playground equipment and children’s rights.
Why do we have a pupil leadership team?
- To improve the school according to pupil voice.
- To make sure each class has a platform for pupils to voice their opinions.
- To discuss and raise issues.
- To contribute to the school development plan.
How do I become a pupil leader and representative?
At the beginning of each year, children can nominate themselves. Nominees present to their class the reasons why they would make a good representative. Each class votes for their councillor.
Additional Rules
You can only be a councillor once.
What we do in the Meetings.
The School Council meets with their class to discuss ideas about changes and improvements to the school. The issues are then raised in the meetings and councillors discuss how to move forward with these ideas. They carry out surveys and votes within their classes so that each class’s opinion is represented. These opinions are then fed back to the council and the opinion of the majority is taken forward.
Quotes from past and present pupils on the leadership team.
“It was lots of fun, being part of improving our school” – Indy
“I felt very important; I liked fundraising for different charities” – Olivia
“I liked fundraising and deciding how to improve our school” – Jessica
“I am looking forward to taking ideas to the council; like building a new fort.” – Layla
“It’s nice to have a role in school; I liked helping to make the decisions of how our school runs” – Cassia.
In their own words, the pupil leadership team is…
… a team of children who have been elected by their classmates to represent their class. In school council, you use your voice to put forward your classmates’ ideas to make the school a better place. We do lots of fundraising for lots of different causes. We raised money for St John’s ambulance to buy a demonstration kids choking vest. In our welcome area we introduced a worry monster to write down your worry; the worries are given to the teachers. We have written pupil-friendly versions of school policies. We introduced a reward for the class which has the highest attendance each term; we consulted each class to find out the most popular reward. The chosen reward is to play on the inflatable dragon in the local pool.

Keeping us informed in whole school assemblies.
Looking at the rights of the child. Focusing on excellence through our house points system. Well done this week to team Hafren. Encouraging good attendance.