Miss Williams
Miss Morris
Mrs Edmunds
Our wellbeing centre is a calm and relaxing place to be. Pupils really enjoy spending time in here – they can talk about how they are feeling, have some quiet time and sometimes enjoy a slice of toast!
Did you know you can self-refer to Kooth counselling service? Kooth offer emotional health and wellbeing support for young people aged 10+. Visit www.kooth.com for more information or to refer yourself for face-to-face counselling fill out their online form: https://tinyurl.com/PowysKoothF2FSelfReferral
Powys County Council provide a variety of emotional health and wellbeing services, check out their website for more details: https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/8831/Emotional-Health-and-Wellbeing-Services-for-Children-Young-People-and-Families
Click here to be directed to the Elsa website where you will be able to download and print some free resources to support your child/ren at this time.
A big thank you
Thank you to everyone who kindly donated items to our collection for Llanidloes pantri. Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd dda.