“The Journey of Life”

In R.V.E. (religion, values, ethics) year 5 and 6 are thinking about “The Journey of Life”. You may have had questions at home about how your felt upon your child’s arrival and shared stories about your child’s birth and first days.

Year 5 and 6 have learnt about baptism and how different denominations may approach this differently. Pupils have explored how other faiths welcome babies – sweet dates on the lips of a baby and a prayer whispered. They have also imagined planning a non religious naming ceremony to welcome a baby.

Pupils have been thinking about the next 10 years and changes in life this will bring. Resilience, confidence and team work will play an important role in this, as indeed in life. 

As part of this work they visited China Street Chapel to interview Mr Bryn Davies, an elder of the chapel. They had a lot of questions to ask and learnt about how faith had helped him in life, hearing stories from personal experience in rugby, and stories from a range of cultures.

Expect more questions at home as we continue the theme “Journey of Life”.